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Lost and Found - #01 Waiting to be claimed
Installation, 2017

“Waiting to be claimed” features a number of Lost and Found notices. The notices do not show any found dates or locations, only descriptions of the objects. These objects, carrying untold stories, were belongings personal to somebody. Some of them are even third- or fourth-hand. They were lost, dumped, resold or stolen. The artwork, albeit without clear intention, creates an opportunity for reunion. I placed the Lost and Found notices on the board outside the Fringe Club. Some of the passersby on Lower Albert Road in Central may have been owners of these objects in the past.

失物招領- #01等待認領
組合裝置, 2017 

藝穗會會址於十九世紀末興建,為前牛奶公司倉庫,其後被棄置多年,成為中區一橦沒有人認領的失物,藝穗會終於1983年聖誕節的前一週重新接管,成為建築物的新主人至今。 「等待認領」是一組失物告示,告示裡沒有拾獲日期,地點,只有對物件的描述。它們都是來歷不明但卻曾經屬於別人的隨身物,甚至已經是三,四手的物件,曾經被遺失、丟棄、轉售、盗取。作品製造一個來意不明的重遇機會,把「失物告示」置於藝穗會牆外的告示欄,中環下亞厘畢道的斜路間,擦身而過的路人可能曾經是物件的主人。

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